Blog informes de ingresos 2022 – Ver cómo lo hicieron para que pueda hacerlo también

informes de ingresos del blog

Income reports are a source of motivation for a lot of bloggers and non-bloggers who think of starting their own websites.

Seeing the success and the exact methods that led to it can spark the entrepreneurial spirit in every one of us.

This is a great source of practical knowledge if the post is written well. Don’t mistake these kinds of posts for bragging, if used wisely you can benefit a lot from them.

I’ve decided to collect all income reports from 2021, Lo podría encontrar, because most of the income report posts out there are outdated. They include income reports from 2-3 hace años que, and during this time many things have changed in the marketing, SEO, and earning channels.

Note that some of these reports below are monthly, but I guess you can do the math.

Without further ado, let’s see how much bloggers are making $$$.

Note that I’ll try to give as much info as possible, in the latest entries, and not just the blog name and its profit!

Blog informes de ingresos 2022 🤑

Dylan from focused his blog on financial freedom and features different money-making platforms.

Traffic Channels: Organic, Newsletter, Pinterest

Monetization: Affiliate marketing, Display ads (Mediavine)

Los informes de ingresos 2021

More coming soon. If you like to be featured in the list above, send me an Email, and I’ll be happy to add your results.

Archive Reports

Bloggers Income Reports 2020

  1. Those Positive Thoughts$250.28
  2. Lifestyle with Leah$309.30
  3. A Fresh Start on a Budget$577
  4. Travel By Maya$686
  5. Mom Makes Joy –  $1,037.70
  6. Financial Flamingo$1,043.63
  7. Thyme and Joy$2008.63
  8. Another Mommy Blogger$2261.60
  9. It’s Alan Young$2767.02
  10. The Introvert Coach$13,695.50

Takeaways from this post:

👉 Use Mediavine If you cover the requirements ($25К sessions (analytics stats) in the previous 30 dias.
👉 Ditch Google Adsense
👉 Work on your Pinterest Strategy
👉 Be a Mom / have a ‘girlyblogsee good feminine themes here
👉 If you can make some kind of membership/course with recurring payments, ve a por ello.

soy bozh, y he estado creando sitios web con WordPress durante 15+ años. Desde 2016, He trabajado con las principales empresas afiliadas., administrar mi propio negocio de comercio electrónico, y administré varios blogs especializados. Fundé con la idea de compartir mis conocimientos., experiencias personales, y recomendarte mejores alternativas.