Come nascondere una pagina o un post da WordPress Site Search

barra di campo di ricerca

A volte i vostri obiettivi di contenuti richiedono pagine specifiche di rimanere nascosto dalle masse. While it is easy to exclude a page/post from being indexed by search engines (setting it to no-index in your SEO plugin options), hiding a page from your native site search results is a bit trickier.

Hiding a page from WordPress search results is a simple process that can be accomplished with a few clicks. In questa guida, we will walk you through the step-by-step process of hiding a page from WordPress search results.

No need for adding code to your functions.php file or other complicated tasks.

Why You Might Want to Hide a Page from Search Results

  • You have a page that’s still a work in progress and you don’t want it to show up in search results until it’s ready to be published.
  • You have a page with sensitive information that you don’t want to be publicly accessible.
  • You have a page that’s not relevant to your audience, but you still want to keep it on your website for reference purposes.

There isn’t a ready solution for that in WordPress (yet). But thanks to the developers who create free WordPress plugins, there is a simple way to hide specific pages from being found through site search.

Search Exclude Plugin

This plugin does exactly what it’s supposed to do. You’ll see a checkbox on your page/post settings panel (this also works with the Gutenberg editor).

Search Exclude Plugin

Steps to Hide a Page:

  1. Install and activate the Search Exclude plugin.
  2. Go to the edit screen of the page you want to hide from search results.
  3. Scroll down to the “Search Exclude” section.
  4. Check the box labeled “Exclude from search results”.
  5. Save your changes.

Simple and effective! Your page should now be hidden from search results.

With this guide, you should have no trouble keeping your private pages away from public search results.


  1. Install and activate the Search Exclude plugin.
  2. Go to the edit screen of the page you want to hide from search results.
  3. Scroll down to theSearch Excludesection.
  4. Check the box labeledExclude from search results”.
  5. Save your changes.
Search Exclude Plugin WordPress

Simple and effective! Your page should now be hidden from search results.

With this guide, you should have no trouble keeping your private pages away from public search results.

Scarica qui

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Sono Bozh, e ho creato siti Web con WordPress per 15+ anni. Da 2016, Ho lavorato con le migliori società affiliate, gestire la mia attività di e-commerce, e gestito diversi blog di nicchia. Ho fondato con l'idea di condividere le mie conoscenze, esperienze personali, e consigliarti alternative migliori.