oben 5 Anzeichen dafür, dass Ihr SEO-Artikel von einem KI-Tool geschrieben wurde

Illustration eines KI-Roboters

ChatGPT is making waves in the SEO world, leaving mediocre copywriters feeling sad and frustrated as they struggle to find $1 for 100-word offers again.

I don’t use ChatGPT to write articles for wpctrl.com, because I like expressing my thoughts, but I have some experience with other projects where I’ve experimented with AI-generated content.

And I can tell you this for a factAI-generated content can be spotted from the first look.

Unlessyou put some work and make it yours, edit it, and format it in a nifty way.

I have collected the top 5 Zeichen, die darauf hinweisen, dass Sie einfach einen von der KI generierten Artikel direkt aus ChatGPT kopiert und eingefügt haben.

1. The Title Structure

Inzwischen, Sie sollten wissen, dass die KI aufgefordert wird 90% der Arbeit. Die Bereitstellung klarer und detaillierter Anweisungen, wie Ihr Artikel geschrieben werden soll, ist für die Qualität der Ausgabe von entscheidender Bedeutung.

Wenn Sie chatGPT anweisen, Ihnen einen Artikel zu schreiben, wird normalerweise das gleiche Modell verwendet (Es sei denn, Sie geben den vollständigen SEO-Titel an).

Websites, die gebrauchsfertige SEO-Eingabeaufforderungen oder Chrome-Erweiterungen wie bereitstellen AIPRM kann Ihnen dabei helfen, die verwendeten Eingabeaufforderungen zu diversifizieren, aber selbst dann sehen die Titel immer noch gleich aus.

[Ihr Schlüsselwort oder Thema]: Was du wissen musst oder Der ultimative Leitfaden, oder Eine Reise durch die Geschichte

Sie erhalten den Punkt nach dem “:” Die Dinge sehen sehr unnatürlich und gleich aus. Das wichtigste – Es gibt ein Muster.

What can you do to improve your titles?

The best thing is to write it by yourself. If you are really bad at coming up with a title, ask chatGPT to give you 3 oder 5 SEO titles right after it finishes your article.

You can try some of these prompts from seo.ai.

Write 3 examples of alternative blog post titles with higher CTR for [topic].”


Suggest compelling blog post titles related to the following list of SEO keywords:…”

Suggest 5 blog post title ideas for the keyword [keyword] gezielt [audience].”

2. Repetitive intros that tell the same thing

Most of the SEO articles generated by AI follow the same structure. Repetitive phrasing and sentence structures.

  • A short introduction telling what this article will be about

You will often end up with the first paragraph with the headingIntroductionwhich will include something like this:

“In diesem Ratgeber, we’ll take a closer look at [your topic or keyword]

The purpose of this article is to explore the advantages and disadvantages of [ your topic]

In diesem Artikel, we’ll provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to

It is essential for content creators to carefully review their AI-generated text and assess its overall quality. Repetitious paragraphs are common for 1-click AI generators, especially on harder topics that will require more data and info.

3. Same length paragraphs

While symmetry can be beneficial in various aspects of life, it may not always be the optimal choice for your article.

When every paragraph in your text is of identical length, it could indicate a potential issue.

One of the most apparent red flags is the absence of nuance and creativity, suggesting that the content lacks the personal touch of a human writer who genuinely cares about their work.

4. Final heading named “Fazit”

Another big tell is the wrap-up of your article, while it looks natural to have something like “Fazit” to finish your article, if this is in 99% of your articles again it screams AI.

Try to have original headings, that will also be better for your SEO. The heading named “Fazit” says nothing about what’s in it.

Just a wall of text.

Is this what most of your posts look like? Copy-paste is pretty easy, but won’t get you anywhere.

You have to put in the additional work.

Add some value, download some images or other graphic content, and design the blog post as a landing page.

Make it human-like, silly, throw a joke, cite someone, add a video, put an emoji anything.

6. The article lacks depth and fails to offer any meaningful value

a fictional character yawns

AI writers may struggle to capture the nuances and intricacies of certain subjects, resulting in shallow and unengaging articles that fail to deliver substantial insights or valuable information.

It is essential for content creators to carefully review their AI-generated text and assess its overall quality.

7. Too muchfluff

Fluff in AI-generated content refers to non-essential words or information that do not enhance the main point of the article.

It includes unnecessary details, repetitive phrases, overly descriptive language, and verbose content that adds length without value.

Fluff can also stem from the overuse of adverbs, adjectives, and phrases that do not contribute substantially to the message.

What can you do to reduce the fluff?

You can simply prompt the AI to remove all the fluff, then paste your text.

The key is to ruthlessly edit the AI-generated content to remove any unnecessary words or information while preserving the core message and value for the reader. This improves engagement, readability, and search engine optimization

For some topics, the AI writer is still not good enough.

This issue becomes particularly evident when attempting to create product reviews using AI-generated content.

In order to provide a comprehensive and informative review, it is crucial to highlight specific features, benefits, and drawbacks of the product in question.

jedoch, AI-generated text may fall short of delivering the necessary level of detail and specificity, resulting in reviews that lack substance and fail to guide potential buyers effectively.

If you read your text and find it boring and lacking any real value, chances are big that your readers will do the same.

You can’t create great product reviews if you tell nothing in particular.


In conclusion, while AI-generated content has made notable progress, it still has limitations when it comes to producing high-quality articles on certain topics.

Recognizing the potential drawbacks and shortcomings of AI-generated text is crucial for content creators who seek to deliver engaging, valuable, and informative content to their readers.

By carefully reviewing and supplementing AI-generated content with human expertise, creators can overcome these limitations and provide readers with content that is both engaging and meaningful.

Ich bin Bozh, und ich habe Websites mit WordPress erstellt für 15+ Jahre. Seit 2016, Ich habe mit führenden Affiliate-Unternehmen zusammengearbeitet, Ich betreibe mein eigenes E-Commerce-Unternehmen, und verwaltete mehrere Nischenblogs. Ich habe WPCtrl.com mit der Idee gegründet, mein Wissen zu teilen, persönliche Erfahrungen, und Ihnen bessere Alternativen empfehlen.